How to order?

Flavogard 50 mg 30 tablets can be purchased at the pharmacies and healthy food stores in Hungary.

Our wholesale partners are: Béres Egészségtár Kft; Hungaropharma Zrt; Bijó Élelmiszer Kereskedelmi Kft; MediLine Kft; Varga Reformház Kft, Debrecen; Zöld Forrás Nagykereskedés.

Flavogard can be ordered through our webstore, or by e-mail (

Our bank acccount Nr. is: GIRO: 10701207-47045604-51100005, IBAN: HU69 1070 1207 4704 5604 5110 0005, account holder: Siema Vital Kft, bank: CIB Bank, SWIFT: CIBH HUHB.

Orders are delivered within 4-5 days.

Cost of delivery of international orders is calculated based on the costs of the courrier companies, and agreed upon with the customer prior to delivery. Payment is done by bank transfer.


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